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The student news site of Altoona Area Junior High School



Olivia Wilt

Olivia Wilt, Reporter

Hi, I’m Olivia Wilt. This is my first year being apart of Livewire news staff, and I know I will try my very best. Some of my favorite hobbies are watching horror movies and anime.  Also, finding outfits for school is entertaining. It’s like being a new person everyday I have on a different outfit. I had a strong desire to join News writing because I like writing, and questioning people’s thinking. My favorite food is probably noodles with hot sauce or mango. I know it sounds peculiar, but it’s amazing! My all time favorite show is “Tokyo Ghouls!” It’s about this kid, Ken Kaneki, who turned into the the thing he hates the most and shows how his mind changes from it. I know I’m not the best writer or reporter, but I have hard work ethic and I can talk, so that makes up for it. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy my stories!

All content by Olivia Wilt