Students support Hillary Clinton

USA Today

Students around the school are strong supporters of Hillary Clinton in the upcoming Election. They are heavily influenced by her plans for education.

“I don’t like Trump, and I don’t like Hillary. But I would support her because she has some really good ideas, but I don’t like Trump,” ninth grader KJ Futrell said.
“I like Hillary Clinton because Donald Trump is mean towards different races and women, and he’s mean to people with mental disorders,” seventh grade student Samantha Auerbeck said.
“ I would vote for Hillary because I don’t think Trump knows what he’s doing, and he’s just some rich man that wants to be president. I also heard she has plans to help kids and help people in college,” seventh grader Dynasty Covington said.
“I like Hillary more than Trump because Trump is racist, and he doesn’t pay taxes,’’ ninth grader Chazon Jordan said.
“I think Hillary is more fit for the role and knows more about politics than Trump,” eighth grader Lee Walker said.
“I support Hillary 100% because I believe she has some great ideas for the country. Hillary would do so much for schools and kids,” ninth grade student Marcus Osmolinski said.
“She is not like Trump at all, and she is more respectful,” ninth grader Harlie Ritchey said.
“I fully support Hillary’s plan to reduce the price of college because that would help everyone out,” eighth grade student Jaivionne Davis said.


“I like Hillary because she seems really trustworthy and I agree with her views on women and school’s,” eighth grade student Ashley Steinbugl said.
“I would vote for Hillary because she really honest,” eighth grade student Reece McMahamy said.