Student gain opportunities for future jobs at CTC


Chastity Brunner

Let’s work. Andrew Garman and david Harpster III work on a car in Automotive Diesel class at the CTC on Jan. 11. Both boys worked on their teachers car and learned how to change spark plugs on a truck.

Chastity Brunner, Photographer

The GACTC in Altoona, PA is a place where not only Altoona students can go, but also students in school districts surrounding the community. The CTC was founded in 1966, and most of the students who go there are from the junior high and from the high school.

In recent years the Altoona junior high has had the opportunity to take around thirty students to go over in afternoon classes. Ninth grade students eat lunch, with a different grade, then they head over to go learn about a topic they are interested in making their future job. Some topics include: masonry, culinary arts and automotive technology.

Students are put in classes with all grade levels ranging from grade nine to grade 12. In some classes, there are students from different schools also. During the day, there are thousands of students who go to and from the CTC, and they receive the same credits as students in their regular classes during the day.