We should play less kickball

Emmalee m

P.E. classes need to have more options! Playing kickball weekly makes our “fun days” way less fun.

“Did I kick hard enough?”

“Is it going to go the right direction?”

“Did I run too slow?” 

“What if I have to run back and don’t know it?” 

“Did someone catch the ball?”

 These are just some of the things that go through my mind while I’m playing kickball.  

I don’t enjoy playing kickball, so I really don’t look forward to playing it every week. Not every kid is athletic; I know I’m not, but in games with big teams like kickball, the kids that aren’t that good at sports don’t really have a place.

Usually, I end up standing towards the back hoping I’m not uncoordinated enough to get hit in the face with a ball. Or, I stand in the back of the kick line and hope that I only have to kick once during the game.

Not every kid is going to like every game, and the same goes for kickball. However, with other games like hockey, football or pickleball, they only have to play for as long as the unit lasts. With kickball, students have to play all year whether they like it or not. Kickball shouldn’t be played as much as it is in P.E. classes. 

Not only is playing kickball unenjoyable, it also gives me anxiety. I know I’m not good at sports, so when it’s my turn to kick, I feel like everyone’s judging me. From the moment I kick the ball, it feels like everyone’s eyes are on me. 

Kickball would be fine if it was played occasionally, but it’s played way too frequently to be enjoyable. Students should be allowed to have more options on days when kickball is being played. One alternative could be letting students walk laps instead. The A gym has a track for walking or running, but the classes never use it. 

Students could also have the option to play other games like ping pong or Just Dance on one side of the gym, and the other side could play kickball.  Both gymnasiums have a divider that can be put down to split the area in half, so there isn’t the danger of any students getting hurt. 

Not playing as much or allowing alternatives would make P.E. classes much more enjoyable. Students wouldn’t have to dread going to P.E. classes; they might even look forward to it.