Stephanie and Jason Lloyd have known each other for 10 years.
“I was a nurse in his classroom. He was the teacher and I had a student in the autistic support classroom, so we met through the school,” S. Lloyd said.
Just because they met in the school doesn’t mean they see each other all the time in the school though.
S. Lloyd said, “We don’t see each other much during the day. He’s on the sixth grade floor, and I’m down at the nurse’s office.”
J. Lloyd said we’re coworkers in a sense that we work together in the same building, but we’re just in different areas. Sometimes, though, we work together with students I have that come in the nurse’s office, so we can collaborate in that way.
Jason is a sixth grade special education teacher. Stephanie is a school nurse! They are on the highest and lowest floors in the building.
Scheduling is a very beneficial part of being coworkers for the Lloyds.
“We’re on the same schedule. We have the same days off, the same time that we have to be here. We have a little daughter at home, so the schedule is nice for our family,” J. Lloyd said.
S. Lloyd said all in all, working with my husband is wonderful. It affects our jobs in a positive way!
Jordan Miller • May 17, 2024 at 1:57 pm
she my neighbor