Connor George, Reporter
I'm Connor George, and I'm a graduate at procrastination. I really don't do much at home. I watch anime and play a few video games like DOTA 2, Fallout 4, HOI 4 and a few other games. I also have an interest in band; however, this is mostly limited to beating up a drum. I enjoy reading old books from the 90's or earlier. One of my favorites is "Fight Club" by Chuck Palahniuk, and I'm planning on reading "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding. Aside from me soaking up knowledge and anime, I watch European soccer and rugby. My favorite team for soccer is Paris Saint German (PSG), and I haven't watched rugby enough to have a favorite team. I also have huge interest in wars- why they happen, events that happen because of the wars, things like that. In my opinion, the most interesting war is WWII. Not only was it interesting to see what would happen if a superpower wanted to control the whole world. Mostly ironic, but that's a story for another day. For now though, remember, the world is better when you understand it.