Elexis Hawksworth and Lilly Stahlman twirl their way into friendship
Courtesy of Kirstin Hawksworth
Stahlman and Hawksworth pose for a photo together after their very last football game! They were very sad the season was over, but they can’t wait to see what new opportunities twirling in the high school will bring them!
Sports can serve many purposes: they give athletes something to occupy their time, helps them improve overall health, set up opportunities now and in the future and so much more. But for these two girls, those things aren’t the only case.
Eighth grade students Elexis Hawksworth and Lilly Stahlman have been best friends ever since they met through twirling when they were three. Sports introduce people to so many other people and can often lead to great friendships, just like baton did for Hawksworth and Stahlman.
The girls have both been twirling and have been friends for 10 years. They met at Pam’s Chargers School of Baton. They love twirling together, and their bond has become stronger throughout the years. For example, they have been around each other for a long time, they get to perform together in many places and in many different routines and so many other things have had a great effect on their bond.
They also got to work together this year for the majorette team here at the school. Hawksworth was captain, and Stahlman was the feature twirler.
The captain makes the routines, teaches the routines, and helps the girls with anything they may be struggling with, such as the routine itself or marching.
The feature performs a routine to the side that is different from what everyone else is doing, so they are basically the spotlight.
This experience was a great opportunity for the girls to work together, be leaders together and perform together.
Stahlman has recently changed studios and is now twirling with The ShowTwirlers. Both girls said they will definitely miss twirling together away from school, but they look forward to hopefully twirling together in high school since they both plan to try out.
Although they do have to compete against each other, they have never let winning and losing come in between their friendship.
There are many different places where majorettes can show off their talent. For example, there are competitions, parades, football games and some other places.
“I like competitions because I get to see people from other states, and it’s nice since I have friends from other states I have met through twirling and I get to see them and twirl with them,” Stahlman said. “I like to perform in parades or on the field the most.”
Hawksworth commented that she enjoys competitions, but she also has another favorite place to perform.
“I like going to competitions because I get to see friends that I don’t see that often, and overall, the atmosphere at competitions is great. I also enjoy twirling at football games,” said Hawksworth.
There are many things the girls like about twirling, but they do have favorites.
“My favorite thing about twirling is the relationships with people that you work with and twirl with. It also feels good to win sometimes. My favorite trick is a toss walkover, and I like the artistic style of twirling,” said Stahlman.
Hawksworth had a lot to say about her favorite parts of twirling and what routine she loves to perform.
“My favorite part about twirling is meeting so many new people through it. It is like one big family. My favorite routine is my show routine because I get to pick my music to twirl to for that routine, which you don’t get to do for anything else, and there is no limit to what tricks you do in it. My favorite trick to do is a fishtail,” said Hawksworth.
People never know what will happen until they try. And they never know that sometimes these sports will lead them to great opportunities and maybe even long lasting relationships like these girls.

Hello! My name is Sophia Moran and I am a part of the staff! I am a member of the student council, National Junior Honor Society and the varsity softball...
Ezrah • Apr 28, 2023 at 11:08 am
what a cute relationship, dubs all the way